Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Honolulu Sunrise begins the 2010 - 2011 Rotary Year

Honolulu Sunrise was honored to welcome DG John Steelquist, who presented a message from RI President, Ray Klinginsmith. Photo: Laura Steelquist, Liz Kane, Rob Hail, Carolyn Fujioka, DG John Steelquist, President Paul Sibley and Jan Taketa.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunrise wins Rotary's Significant Achievement Award

President Paul Sibley and PP Carolyn Hiatt presented the Rotary Significant Achievement Award to Rob Hail, creator of our Royal Scholars mentorship program. The program began 11 years ago in which Honolulu Sunrise "buddies" mentored students from Royal School from first grade through high school graduation.