Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rotarian of the Week: Joe Ferraro

In 1988, Joe Ferraro, FAIA, LEED AP, and Gerald Choi founded Ferraro Choi and Associates, Ltd., an environmentally-oriented architectural and interior design firm operating in Honolulu and New York. Joe and Gerald were Hawaii’s first LEED accredited professional architects and have been recognized for numerous sustainable designs. Among their most notable accomplishments are designs for the National Science Foundation’s Crary Science and Technology Laboratory at McMurdo Station in Antartica and the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, a $200,000,000 research facility at the bottom of the earth.

Ferraro Choi is currently working on the new Pacific Regional Center for NOAA at Ford Island and the UH Information Technology Center, both LEED registered projects.

Joe is a Fellow of the Honolulu Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and Hawaii State Council and serves as president of the Hawaii Architectural Foundation. He is also a graduate of Pratt Institute and the UH School of Architecture, and remains active as a member of the UH School of Architecture Advisory Committee, an adjunct professor for the School’s doctoral degree Practicum program and advisor to UH’s Sea Grant College Program.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


How did Beretania Street get its name? What happened to the ponds in Kapiolani Park? Where is the best petroglyph site on Oahu? Today’s guest speaker, Professor Willis H A Moore, gave us a taste of Honolulu’s fascinating history. He is a teacher at Chaminade University, former education coordinator at Bishop Museum, world traveler, author, lecturer with the Hawai’i Geographic Society and the National Audubon Society, founding member of the Sierra Club Hawaii Chapter, and walking encyclopedia. If you enjoyed his presentation, join him for a Hawaii Geographic Society Walking Trek through Honolulu (just $15 per person with a 2-person minimum) at or 808-538-3952.

New Friends

Today we were also glad to welcome three guests: potential member Kelly McCanlies, guest of President-Elect Amin Leiman; Al Green, father of Kim Green; and visiting Rotarian Mark Malculinski from the Rotary Club of Toledo, Ohio, the 13th largest Rotary Club in the world. Mahalo to Margit for inspiring us to live in the present and remember that “today matters.”

Familiar Faces