Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Life is like a bowl of pasta

This week’s meeting opened with an inspiring story by PP Jerry Hofwalt about his trip to Italy and a magnificent pasta sauce which was made perfect by many loving hands. He likened it to the way friends and family touch our lives, each adding their special “seasonings” that make it richer.

Banner Exchange

President Paul Sibley welcomed visiting Rotarians, Cesar Cabrera and Nancy Sumrall from Five Points Rotary Club in El Monte, California.

District Conference Report

PP Joe Ferraro reported on the inspiring speakers, including Rotary International President's Representative Brad Howard, and events at the Rotary District Conference held on Kauai.

October 20 - Palama Settlement Community Service Project
Following last year’s successful reading/dinner project, we’ll be back at Palama Settlement with books for children to read to their parents. The reading event will be from 5:30 -–7:30, with helping hands needed from 5–8pm for set up, reading and clean up.

Mahalo to Kau Kau Cuisine Author, Arnold Hiura

Did you know Salon Pilot crackers are what sailors called hardtack, and that SPAM was introduced to Hawaii (and other countries) by the US Military? For the history behind our local kau kau, pick up a copy of Arnold’s book, or email him at

Welcome to the Cajun kid
Mom Courtney and Grandma Teresa came to last week’s meeting bringing a very sleepy and cute Tristan Sibley.