Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Peter Carlisle speaks to Honolulu Sunrise

Last Monday, City Prosecutor Peter Carlisle talked about his upcoming campaign for mayor. To learn more, or if you missed your chance to sport a Carlisle bumper sticker (promised by the candidate to enhance the value of any car) visit petercarlisle.com.

Sunrise also welcomed two potential members: Scott Conway, guest of President-Elect Amin Leiman; and also Tomoko Furukawa who was invited by Kristine Lim. If you see them next week, please say hello.

Rotary Membership Recognition Award for 2009-2010

Two weeks ago, District 5000 Secretary Laura Steelquist presented Past President Carolyn Hiatt with the Rotary Membership Recognition Award for 2009-2010. Mahalo to everyone for introducing potential members to our club and making them feel welcome. Let's do it again!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mahalo to speaker Hilton Raethel

Last Monday, we heard an encouraging presentation by Hilton Raethel, Senior Vice President at HMSA, Hawaii's largest health care provider. Hilton discussed Sustainable Health Care, HMSA's initiatives toward controlling rising health care costs, which will include partnerships with Queens Hospital and other providers. He was accompanied by Chuck Marshall, Public Information Coordinator at HMSA. To learn more, please visit hmsa.com.

Rob Hai'ls eGlobal Family update from Indonesia

Last week, Rob Hail met with the Madania organization in Jogyakarta. The organization takes care of about a hundred orphanded and poor children and has a baby nursery and a facility on the edge of town for their older teens and young adults who are disabled from either polio, losing a limb, auto accident, etc. This handicapped group tries to earn money by selling water they purify and clothes they sew. They would also like to add baked goods to their product line as many of them know how to bake but they don't have a proper oven, mixer and basic supplies.

Rob asked for their wish list and they replied an oven and baking tools and supplies. Thanks to generous Sunrisers, Rob used most of the $202 in "aloha dollars" on purchasing a good blender, diapers, soap and milk formula for the nursery. The orphanage has about 14 babies, the youngest is 11 days old.

While in Jogya, Rob also met with the Jogya Rotary twice regarding a potential partnership.

Says Rob, “Spending time with other Rotarians here makes me appreciate more what a wonderful worldwide organization we belong to. It has also been a pleasure helping to set up our new foster parent program here and welcoming our new orphanage into our eGlobal Family".

Last call for Rotary District 5000 GSE Team

Rotary District 5000's Group Student Exchange is truly an opportunity. Deadline for submission is August 9. Study Exchange will be traveling to Egypt, Cypress and Lebanon. Details at http://www.rotaryd5000.org/GSETeam.cfm